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97 Points & Best in Show, Decanter World Wine Awards

We are excited to announce that the 2021 Archery Summit Dundee Hills Pinot Noir has been awarded 97 Points and BEST IN SHOW from the 2023 Decanter World Wine Awards! In addition, Archery Summit is the only USA-based wine to claim a Best In Show designation in the 2023 competition.

To the US, California is often cited in the competition’s Top 50 selection, but this year Oregon took the forefront with the nation’s sole Best in Show win. Last awarded in 2020, Oregon’s Best in Show for Archery Summit Winery, Pinot Noir 2021 from Willamette Valley ‘is a fine example of the charm, balance and satisfaction that fine Dundee Hills Pinot can provide,’ said judges.”

2023 marks the largest-ever wine competition to be held in history. And of the record-breaking 18,250 wines tasted, just 50 were awarded the competition’s top accolade – Best in Show

2023 Decanter World Wine Award Stats:

Archery Summit 2021 Dundee Hills Pinot Noir
Score: 97 & Best in Show | Price: $65
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